Every year, STARTALK at UCF eagerly welcomes returning student. Some of them, like Michael Mallis, participated for 3 years in a row! According to Michael, the program made him a competitive candidate for graduate programs and employment opportunities. We asked him to share how STARTALK transformed his life.

Michael Mallis, intermediate group
“Having attended as a student and teaching assistant for the STARTALK Russian Language Program at UCF for three years, it is an irreplaceable tool for immersing oneself in the language while boosting one’s competitiveness and desirability in the professional world. Having interviewed with – and been offered a job – with a federal agency, my utilization and commentary on the STARTALK program in the interview unequivocally boosted my chances of being competitive for the position. As of recently, I have been accepted into Georgetown University for a Master’s Program in Foreign Studies; and it is no mystery that the utilization of STARTALK and the Russian language on my application directly aided my chances of being accepted. Desires to work in the foreign policy and diplomatic field in the future are certain to be very attainable as my three years of studies progress forward.”
How will you utilize your STARTALK experience in the future? Leave a comment below or on our social media using #STARTALK_UCF_2019
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Facebook: STARTALK UCF 2019