Participants learning the alphabet
On the second day of the program, STARTALK participants had classes in the morning. They learned the Cyrillic alphabet, ways to introduce themselves, and how to write in cursive. Participants also sang songs, played “Морской Бой” (battleship) and “Телефон” (telephone).

Study session
For lunch, we had тефтели (meatballs), самса с творогом и тыквой (samosa with curd and pumpkin), and блинчики с клубникой (pancakes with strawberries). You can check out our menu here!
In the afternoon, we had team building activities. We started with the game “Домики,” where the participants played as either стены (walls) or жильцы (tenants). After that, everyone split into five groups and, with the help of TAs, completed the route that consisted of six location. At each location, teams played various games, including “Одеяло” (blanket), “Льдинка” (icicle), “Фигуры” (shapes), “Тихий художник” (silent artist), “Передай Мяч” (pass the ball), and “Лабиринт” (labyrinth). Participants got to know each other a little better and learn some Russian words!

Game “Телефон”
Words of the day:
Стены – walls
Жильцы – tenants
Землетрясение – earthquake
Линия – line
Круг – circle
Квадрат – square
Треугольник – triangle

Game “Одеяло”

Team building